In Egypt, the speed of leased lines varies significantly based on the service provider and the specific requirements of the business. Leased lines, which are dedicated communication channels providing a direct and private connection, offer businesses high-speed internet with symmetrical upload and download speeds. This means that the speed for uploading data is equal to the speed for downloading, which is crucial for businesses that rely heavily on data transfer and cloud-based applications.

Speed Range
Leased line speeds in Egypt can range from 1 Mbps to 10 Gbps. For example, IT Planet for Digital Services offers leased lines with speeds starting from 1 Mbps and going up to 10 Gbps, ensuring high-quality bandwidth and stable connections through fiber optic cables. This wide range allows businesses to select a plan that best fits their operational needs, from small enterprises to large corporations​ (IT Planet DS)​​ (Hyperoptic)​.

Benefits of Leased Lines

Dedicated Connection: Unlike traditional broadband, which is shared among multiple users, leased lines offer a dedicated connection that ensures consistent speeds and reliability. This is particularly beneficial during peak usage times when shared connections might experience slowdowns.

Symmetrical Speeds: With equal upload and download speeds, leased lines support activities such as video conferencing, VoIP services, and large file transfers efficiently. This is a significant advantage over standard broadband connections, which typically have higher download than upload speeds.

Reliability and SLAs: Leased line providers often offer robust Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that guarantee uptime and rapid response times for any issues, ensuring minimal downtime for businesses. This level of service reliability is critical for operations that cannot afford interruptions in internet connectivity​ .
Providers and Pricing.

Applications in Business
Leased lines are ideal for businesses that need a reliable and high-speed internet connection to support various applications such as:

Cloud Services: Ensuring smooth and fast access to cloud-based applications and storage.
VoIP and Video Conferencing: Providing the necessary bandwidth and stability for high-quality voice and video communications.
Data Transfers: Facilitating large file transfers between different office locations or external clients without delays.
In summary, leased lines in Egypt offer a wide range of speeds, robust reliability, and symmetrical data transfer rates, making them an excellent choice for businesses that depend on a stable and high-performance internet connection.